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 The Inte. Confe. on Struc. Heal. Monit. (St. Louis, Missour,8.4-7,2019)

Dear Colleagues:

The International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure will be held in St. Louis, Missouri during August 4~7, 2019.  You are invited to submit abstracts online within one of the conference tracks and topics (http://shmii-9.mst.edu) by June 1, 2018. The theme of SHMII_9 Conference calls for attention and participation of researchers, engineers, owners and regulators.The Conference will showcase technologies and achievements in civil/transportation infrastructure, demonstrate the practical value of structural health monitoring (SHM) research, and raise the public awareness on the need for further SHM research and applications. The conference program will include keynote lectures, invited lectures, podium and poster sessions, student poster competitions, exhibitions and technical tours. If you are interested in proposing a special session with five or six abstracts, please submit your session proposal (one page with a list of abstract titles and authors) to shmii-9@mst.edu with a subject "Special Session: Title.”We will include your session title on the conference website before you upload abstracts.

For further information, please visit the conference website: http://shmii-9.mst.edu or contact Dr. Genda Chen (gchen@mst.edu), the conference chair.

Sincerely yours,

Anil K. Agrawal, Ph.D., P.E.

Chief Editor, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering
