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 The IABMAS conference(Melbourne, Australia, 7.9-13 ,2018)

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

You may already be aware that the next IABMAS conference will be held in Melbourne, Australia, 9-13 July 2018. There is much more information at the website: www.iabmas2018.org.  The deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended to 2 July 2017.

In keeping with our interests in the area of footbridge vibration serviceability, we are organizing a mini-symposium on this topic as per the attached description. It is: MS15 -FOOTBRIDGES: ADVANCES IN VIBRATION SERVICEABILITY ASSESSMENT

Already there are many submissions from 3 continents, so it is sure to be a valuable experience.We write to encourage you to submit papers on this topic, so that we can all benefit from each other's ongoing work. Case Studies from practice are particularly encouraged, along with academic studies. Please select this MS for your relevant submissions.We look forward to welcoming you to Melbourne!

On behalf of the Organizers of the Mini-Symposium,

Colin Caprani, colin.caprani@monash.edu

Federica Tubino, federica.tubino@unige.it

Katrien Van Nimmen, katrien.vannimmen@kuleuven.be

Fiammetta Venuti, fiammetta.venuti@polito.it