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 The 6th International Footbridge Conference(Berlin,Germany,9.6-9.8,2017)

Footbridges for Berlin "C Invitation Brochure.pdf

Dear Colleagues,

As a member of the scientific committee of the 6th International Footbridge Conference, it is my honour to welcome you to Berlin from September 6th to 8th 2017  (www.footbridge2017.com).

As with the preceding events in Paris, Venice, Porto, Wroclaw and London, bridge designers and builders from all over the world will come together to share their views, to exchange ideas, to learn and - last but not least - to meet colleagues and friends.

Footbridges are an important component of our built environment, they can add much to the culture of building and they are exciting to work on as they bring together experts from numerous disciplines, such as civil engineers and architects, artists, landscape designers and lighting experts.

This sixth conference will follow in the footsteps of earlier conferences in that the theme of structural dynamics – Dynamics and Innovation – which triggered the first conference in Paris, will be kept on the agenda. What is new to this conference is that there are two themes which we have identified as stimulating and important not only to the footbridge community, but also to designers working in many other fields of construction: Cultivate Debate and Footbridges for Berlin.

In attachment, you can find the invitation brochure with all the relevant details and important dates. I kindly invite you to submit an abstract before the 1st of January, 2017.

Looking forward to meeting you in Berlin next year!

Yours sincerely,


PS Please accept my apologies if you receive this invitation more than once through different channels

Prof. dr. ir. Peter Van den Broeck

Hoofd Technologiecluster Bouw – Head Technology Cluster Construction

Faculteit Industriële Ingenieurswetenschappen – Faculty of Engineering Technology

Technologiecampus Gent – Technology Campus Ghent

Gebroeders De Smetstraat 1

9000 Gent

tel. +32 9 265 86 12 (secretariaat)

gsm +32 477 64 83 28
