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 6th Interna. Confe. on Computat. Methods in SD and EE(Rhodes, Greece,6.15-6.17

Dear Colleague,

Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 15 November 2016

We kindly invite you to submit an abstract for Minisymposium SS28:

“New experimental techniques for structural identification and health monitoring”

which we are organizing at COMPDYN 2017: 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 15-17 June 2017, Rhodes Island, Greece

This Vibration-based structural identification and SHM traditionally makes use of uniaxial/triaxial accelerometers or velocity meters. Also sometimes inclinometers are installed.

Recent hardware trends in SHM are the use and development of high-rate GPS receivers, laser vibrometers, wave propagation-based piezoelectric ceramic (PZT) sensing technology, microwave interferometry (radar) and optical fiber sensors (OFS) for dynamic strain and temperature measurements. Recent software trends include the development of dedicated signal processing algorithms and of optimal sensing strategies.

We welcome papers on the development and exploration of new sensing techniques for structural dynamics applications such as damage assessment or optimal sensor placement involving different sensor types.


Guido De Roeck (KU Leuven - University of Leuven, Belgium) guido.deroeck@bwk.kuleuven.be

Kristof Maes (KU Leuven - University of Leuven, Belgium) kristof.maes@kuleuven.be

Edwin Reynders (KU Leuven - University of Leuven, Belgium) edwin.reynders@kuleuven.be


Practical information for Abstract Submission to Minisymposium SS28:

In order to submit your abstract, first you need to register on the Conference website.  After completing this pre-registration form (alternatively click Register at the top-right of the Conference webpage), you will receive an email to validate your Account. After validation, you will receive a second email with your Username and password, which will be used to login to your COMPDYN 2017 Account. From your Account Overview Menu click My Abstracts/My Papers, click Submit an Abstract, choose Submit to Minisymposium  and enter the MS code: MS-28-CAE and proceed with the Abstract Submission following the instructions.